
Feng's xLog


Those Years About the Blog

Hello everyone, I am a person who likes to write blogs. I started creating my own blog in 2012, and since then, I have been recording my life, learning, and thoughts. Over the years, I have tried different blogging platforms, including Wordpress, Typecho, Hexo, Hugo, Ghost, Halo, and NotionNext based on Notion. Each platform has its advantages and disadvantages, and I have learned a lot from them.

blog202301 Currently, I use four blogging platforms: Ghost, Typecho, Halo, and NotionNext based on Notion. Ghost is a simple and powerful blogging system that allows me to focus on writing; Typecho is a lightweight and flexible blogging program that allows me to customize my blog freely; Halo is an elegant and modern blogging framework that allows me to enjoy a beautiful interface and functionality; NotionNext based on Notion is an innovative and practical blogging solution that allows me to manage my blog using the powerful note-taking tool Notion.

Although I like these blogging platforms, as I get older and due to work and other factors, I find it increasingly difficult to maintain and update so many blogs. Therefore, I have decided to simplify and keep only Halo and NotionNext based on Notion. Halo is my main blog, where I will record some long articles and insights; NotionNext based on Notion is my secondary blog, where I will record some short articles and notes.

Of course, this does not mean that I will give up writing blogs. Writing blogs is an indispensable part of my life. It has accompanied me for so many years and witnessed my growth and changes. I hope I can continue to persist and use words to express my thoughts and feelings. I also hope that everyone can continue to follow my blog and give me feedback and support. Thank you all!


The above is an article generated by NewBing. How about it? I think it looks good, haha. Recently, the updates to the blog have indeed become less frequent in the past two years, but the enthusiasm for tinkering has not diminished much. Otherwise, I wouldn't have four major blogging platforms (sometimes I admire myself). However, as I get older, the four major blogging platforms are a bit... so let's simplify it. In the future, I will use Halo and Notion-based blogs. Of course, Ghost and Typecho will still be there (Ghost is hosted on, and Typecho is hosted on a free VPS), but I won't go to copy and update them anymore (maybe I will...). The corresponding ways to access the blogs are: (Halo) and (based on Notion).

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